43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Pitch Reflection

From Left to Right: "Good Flatplan What fonts?; "Good choice of colour. Colour throughout? Fonts?; 4 colour pallet, Good Categories, Link to contents, fonts? Title relates to genre, good use of colours layout may need a little bit more work, Titles are noticable, Font research needs to be done, good plan for costume; Good layout, well organised, Need to do Font Research, Really well organised well done; Blog is well organised, Good Time management; Fully relates to research, Think about locations, Appear to have continuity between pages; Do some font research; Do some research + planning into costumes + props, have you got access to them? Why choose them? and I likt the link between her hair + the colours, What font?"

"Earlier today I pitched my ideas for my magazine to the students in my class. Pitching my ideas gave me valuable feedback in the sense that I was told what I was doing well at, and what I needed to do to improve.
I was told that I was doing well with:
·         My organisation and staying up to date with my Blog
·         The fact that my flatplans fully relate to my research
·         There is a sense of continuity between pages

I was also told that in order to improve I should:
·         Do some research into what fonts I should use for my magazine
·         Do some planning into costume and props ensuring I have access to them
·         Consider what locations to use

Therefore pitching my ideas to the class has told me what I should do next in terms of research: I need to conduct font research, costume and props research and consider what locations I should use for a location shoot."

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