43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Sunday 6 February 2011


My final product is going to contain a range of photography from different locations.


(Image TBA)

I am using the Studio for my photoshoot, as it will produce professional high quality images which will make my magazine look more appealing. However when I'm shooting in the studio, I need to be aware of the potential health and safety hazards and how to overcome them. As stated in my hazard risk assesment in the post below my models are at risk from: cables and lighting. I will need to make sure that my models are far away from the cables so they don't trip. The lighting may also make the model too hot and in extreme cases it may burn them. Therefore I must frequently ask if they are getting too hot and if they are ensure they take a break.

South Park (Darlington)

I am going to use this location shoot for my DPS as I feel as though it could represent the genre of music that my model produces in my DPS. However I need to be aware of the potential health and safety hazards that may put myself and my model as risk. There is a risk of animals intruding, in the park the areas of the park that I'll be shooting my model in are generally animal free however if there is a chance they could appear in the area i wish to shoot that could ruin the photographs. In order to overcome this I will use a different area of the park to shoot in, or I will wait for the animal to move without provoking it. Likewise, there are risks that the general public will be in the park, as the park is a public place. I will also have to wait for people to move on from my without provoking them, before photographing my model.

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