43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Photoshoot: Front Cover

After photographing my model for my front cover here are the images produced:

Here is my model in midshot. I think this photograph works well and would be representative of a Rock Magaine, if I decide to use this image. I think that the the facial expression is very similar to expressions used by artists who have previously featured in rock magazines such as: Kerrang!, Rock Sound and NME. The model's eye also matches with the readers, so again if I was to use this image, eyeline match would be present which is a common feature with all magazines.

Here is another potential front cover image for my magazine. The body language and expression suggests that the model is rebellious, angry, offensive and full of angst. The characteristics match the same of those who prefer to read a Rock Magazine. Therefore if this image was to be used on my front cover the target audience would be able to identify themself with the model.

Here is another image of my model I had taken for my front cover. However, I feel as though this image wont work as a front cover image because there is no eyeline match the reader won't be able to identify themself with the model featured, and as a result they won't feel personally connected with the magazine, thus meaning it would be less likely for the reader to purchase the magazine.

Here is my final image which I had taken for my front cover. I decided to shoot an image of my model where her body language suggested that she was a strong and powerful figure which is another common occurance in rock magazines. However, as I had cut part of her elbows off in this image, I therefore think that this image would not be suitable for a magazine as the image does not look professional enough.

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