43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Sunday 6 February 2011

Call Sheets

Model: Paige Robinson
Modelling as: Paige Valentine the frontwoman of the band Symphony Ancient (featured in DPS)
Shooting Day: No.1
Time: 13.00
Date: 19.02.11
Costume: Costume shown in photo - Black Lolita dress, black tights and heels
Makeup: Heavy black eyeshadow and eyeliner and red lipstick
Location: South Park and Studio
Photographer: George Sweeten

Model: Chloe Spears
Modelling as: Frontwoman of Stepping Deception (featured in Front Cover)
Shooting Day: No.2
Time: 11.00
Date: 21.02.11
Costume: Alternative clothing
Makeup: Heavy heavy black eyeshadow/eyeliner
Location:  Studio
Photographer: George Sweeten

Model: Emily Boyd
Modelling as: Contents Page (Above Honour)
Costume: On image above
Shooting: Day 02
Time: 11.00
Date: 21.02.11
Makeup: As above
Location: Studio
Photography: George Sweeten

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