43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Photoshoot: Contents Page

After shooting my model for my contents page here are some of the images produced:

For all photos, I made my model wear headphones as prop to suggest that the artist was very passionate about their music.
Here is a potential image for my contents page. My model is in medium close up. However, I feel as though this image will not be suitable for my contents page, mainly because I feel as though the body language presented on the photo is too childish, especially since my target audience reaches those over 18.

Here is another potential image for my contents contents page. Again the model is in Medium close up. And again, I feel as though the body language doesnt represent my target audience. And I think the mischevious face doesn't really share the same connotations of a Rock/Indie artist.

Here is another image for my conents page. I decided to try and shoot some photos in Landscape this time. I think this image works well in terms of her facial expression and bodylanguage. Therefore, I feel as though this image would work well in my contents page.

Here is another potential image for my contents page. However, I don't particularly like this image as i feel as though the body language conveys a "Little Miss Nice" image, and that is not what the Rock/Indie culture is about. Therefore if i was to use this image in my contents page it may be unappealing. to my target audience
Here is a final image for my contents page. However I think this image isn't professional enough to be used into a contents page as I cut half of her arms off and she is positioned too low down. Therefore if this image was to be featured in a contents page it would be unprofessional and unappealing and it could potentially put the readers off from purchasing the magazine.

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