43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Monday 7 February 2011

Production Schedule

Week beginning: 07/02/11 
This week I will be starting production for my magazine. I have a "Rough Cut" deadline to meet on 02/03/11 to work towards. Therefore in order to meet this deadline I must organise my time sufficiently. As a result, I must organise my time as follows:

  1. Article Planning - 07/02/11
  2. Article Draft - 07/02/11
  3. Editor's Note Planning - 09/02/11
  4. Editors Note Plan - 10/02/11
  5. Photoshoot: Front Contents Page - 14/02/11
  6. Photoshoot: Double Page Spread - 16/02/11
  7. Production of Front Cover, DPS and Contents Page - 14/02/11 - 02/03/11

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