43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Thursday 3 February 2011

Costume and Props Research

In order to ensure my final product fits the genre of a Rock Magazine. It is vitally important that I choose suitable costumes and props for my models as if the costumes and props look as though they don't match the "Rock Stereotypes" then my magazine will look as though it is aimed at a different genre meaning that my target audience would be less likely to purchase the magazine.

 The props which I am likely to use are:
  • Microphone

    • Electric Guitar

    • Drumsticks

    • Amplifier

    These props clearly live up to the Rock Stereotype as they are all instruments which traditional Rock Band members would use and by using this props it will connote that the members are very passionate about their music they perform. I can also source these props without a problem as i already have access to them.

    Costume and Makeup:
    As stated above it is very important to ensure that my models fit the "Rock Image" as if the models do not look as though they represent a Rock Band then my magazine will look as though it's aimed towards a different target audience. As a result this would mean that my target audience would not find this magazine appealing and it would therefore make my final product unsuccessful.

    Here are some possible costume ideas that may consider to challenge in my final product:

    I will also consider what clothing my models have in their wardrobe, if they do not have any clothing which is similar to the stereotypical "rock/indie" clothing. I can easily obtain similar clothing from a Charity Shop which I volunteer at.

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