43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Monday 14 February 2011

Editor's Note: First Draft

Below is a draft of what my editor's note in my final product will look like.

WOW!  WHAT A blast it's been producing this issue for you guys this month! I'm sure you're going to enjoy it as much as we have produced it. We caught up with rock's new queen: Paige Valentine from Symphony Ancient, armed with a stack of questions. It was one hell of an explosive interview and you really do not want to miss it. Turn to page 24 to see how Miss Valentine coped with our questions. We also  gatecrashed Stepping Deception to see how they're getting on preparing for world domination, page 40. We're also holding a (free) competition for you crazy bunch where you can win a signed, yes signed guitar! You'd be mad to miss it. So yeah, it's been a total blast creating this magazine and I hope you enjoy reading it. Feel free to send your feedback Rock Out! values their readers and we always love to hear back from you. Until next issue!

George Sweeten
Editor of Rock Out!

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