43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Monday 14 February 2011

Editor's Note Plan

Although I did not include an editors note in the contents page of my flat plan. I have found that a common feature in the contents page of any magazine is that they have a note from the editor. The editor's note sums up the thoughts and feelings of the editor and show's how they feel about how the production of the issue went. It also works as a teaser for the reader as it tells the reader what to expect in the issue.

The use of language in the editors note of "Kerrang!" (which I am referring to for inspiration) is very informal and it represents the language that the generic target audience would speak. This is so that the reader, again feels personally connected with the editor which again works in unison with every other aspect of the magazine, to make the reader feel as though the magazine has been designed personally for themselves and only themselves.  Examples of the use of informal language used are: "Wow", "Yeah, Yeah" and the editor also uses profanities such as "We went batshit crazy with loads of you lot" it is also evident here that the editor is personally directing the reader again. The editor will have chosen to use profanities as it's likely the target audience use them too. Therefore the editor uses the style of language that the reader speaks so that the reader can identify and relate to the magazine. As my magazine's target audience is very similar to Kerrang's target audience I am going to try and replicate this.

The editor's note is short in words as there is no less than 100 words. The editors note is short in words, is so the reader doesn't lose interest, and it should not dominate the contents page, as the reader needs to acknowledge the content of the magazine so that they are aware that they are getting value for money. As I am also trying to make my reader feel as though they are getting value for money, I need to again, try and replicate this.

The editor's note also features a small photo of the editor, as I am the editor of the magazine I will need to ask one of my models to take a photo of myself in the studio to include in the editor's note.

The editor has also drawn in their signature at the end of their note so I will need to include this too.

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