43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Evaluation Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

Here is some audience feedback i constructed to find out what attracts my target audience:
I asked my target audience the following questions:
1)What draws your attention to my product?
2)What genre do you think my magazine belongs to?
3)What are the strengths of my product?
4)Who does my product represent?
5)Would you purchase my magazine?
6)How would you improve my product? 

1) Masthead draws attention especially the rugged effect
 The rugged effect and black and red colours suggest the rock genre as does the picture
2) Rock Genre
3) Strength: Model and masthead, very consistent with colours
4) Represents the rock social who group who are on their way to adolescence 
5) Would purchase as it's a good product to buy as it relates to me
6) To improve the product, remove the white space.

1) Masthead
2) Rock genre suggested from masthead and model
3) Set out very well, not too much white space
4) The masthead and the front cover
5) Emos through the masthead and clothing
6) Wouldn't buy it as it isn't my genre

1) The centrally positioned masthead and the brushes at the bottom, colours on the contents page, 
2) Rock Genre can tell by the masthead, 
3) The contents page - the writing and how it's laid out 
4) Punk people
5) Wouldn't personally purchase the magazine
6) Not too sure about the brushes on the front cover

1) Really like this product, all the colours are bright it looks creative
2) Rock Genre
3) Bright Colours against the black background on DPS. Professional Photography can clearly tell its a rock magazine
4) Emo/Indie/Scene Kids
5) Would purchase it really professional
6) May have used different locations for Posters featured on contents page 

1) The colour scheme, it's in your face, it's really good
2) Rock Genre can tell this through the: eye makeup, headphones, black nail varnish
3) Layout and colour scheme
4) Emo Kids
5) Wouldn't purchase it as I don't like Rock Music
6) Would have had the writing on the left hand side on DPS 

1) Dominating image on the front cover, overlaps the masthead
2) Rock/Niche genre can tell by the models 
3) The colour scheme grabs the reader's attention everything is colour
4) It represents Scene Kids 
5) Wouldn't buy it 
6) Would improve the double page spread as there isn't enough continuity

By using the feedback, I have created my own animated focus group:
GoAnimate.com: MEDIA INTERVIEW by gsweeten

Like it? Create your own at GoAnimate.com. It's free and fun!

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