43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Monday 4 April 2011

Evaluation Question 4 Who would be the audience for your media product?

By using Glogster, I constructed a visual representation of the characteristics of my target audience.
Please click here to view my Glog.

My Glog shows the hobbies, interests and lifestyle of my target audience. When referring back to my initial audience research, constructed in January. I said that the average age of my audience would be 19, there would be an even split of gender in terms of who purchased the magazine, they would generall be students, who enjoy the rock lifestyle, their socio-economic status would be working to Lower-middle class and they would be: media savvy, up to date with modern technologies and appreciat their individuality. I think my product would succesfully live up to the standards of my target audience, as I have featured content that would appeal to them, used models of a similar age they can relate to, and the languag feautured appeals to those who are working to Lower-middle class, for instance i used colloquialism and included profanities.

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